Our Rates.

Click on the price of the class or pack you want to buy to purchase directly on Momence now!

New Student Special

3 Group Classes (Expires after 30 days) - $95

2 Private Sessions (Expires after 60 days) - $170


Single Class (Expires after 30 days) - $37

5 Class Pack (Expires after 90 days) - $175

10 Class Pack (Expires after 90 days) - $330

20 Class Pack (Expires after 180 days) - $600

Recurring Membership

* Unused classes do NOT roll over to the next month

12 Classes a Month (Renews every month) - $375

Privates Sessions

*Once purchased, please contact the studio to book your session(s).

1 Private Session (Expires after 30 days) - $95

4 Private Pack (Expires after 90 days) - $340

For any questions, check out our contact us page for info!

Looking forward to seeing you in class!